Showing 1 to 4 of 4 Childcare Services within 5km of Lobethal SA 5241 sorted by Distance

Lobethal Community Kindergarten (0 km)

1 Reserve Avenue, LOBETHAL SA 5241
08 8389 6321

Lobethal Primary School OSHC (0 km)

Meeting National Quality Standard (NQS)
1 School Road, LOBETHAL SA 5241
08 8389 6419

Woodside Preschool Playcentre (5.2 km)

Exceeding National Quality Standard (NQS)
12 Moffett Street, WOODSIDE SA 5244
08 8389 7103

Woodside Primary School OSHC (5.2 km)

Meeting National Quality Standard (NQS)
23 Moffett Street, WOODSIDE SA 5244
04 1177 9529