Showing 1 to 5 of 5 Childcare Services within 10km of Loxton North SA 5333 sorted by Distance

Loxton North Kindergarten (0 km)

Exceeding National Quality Standard (NQS)
Balfour-Ogilvy Road, LOXTON NORTH SA 5333
08 8584 1369

Loxton District Children's Centre Inc (6.4 km)

Exceeding National Quality Standard (NQS)
Tobruk Terrace, LOXTON SA 5333
08 8584 6501

Loxton Preschool Centre Inc (6.4 km)

Exceeding National Quality Standard (NQS)
Anzac Crescent, LOXTON SA 5333
08 8584 7481

Happy Haven OSHC Loxton (6.4 km)

Exceeding National Quality Standard (NQS)
Pyap St, LOXTON SA 5333
04 2037 5629

Loxton Lutheran School Early Learning Centre (6.4 km)

Meeting National Quality Standard (NQS)
6 Luther Road, LOXTON SA 5333
08 8584 7496